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    NEF200 – 晶圓缺口定位和晶圓提升機

    NEF200 – 晶圓缺口定位和晶圓提升機

    1. 本產品可以定位晶圓缺口到任意需要的角度,然后把所有晶圓抬成階梯形,在光照下,操作工可以讀晶圓刻號和檢測晶圓損傷.
    2. 本產品由純凈有機材料制成,具有靜電保護功能,所有符合SEMI標準的晶圓盒都可以使用.


    NEF200 – Notch finder and elevator

    1. The NEF200 incorporates a notch aligner to position wafers at a desired angle and the elevates all wafers at a slope.
    2. A lighting ramp enables the operator to visually read wafer scribes or inspect wafers.
    3. The tools are made of clean organic material.Provide true ESD protection.
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